Sunday, February 12, 2012

The businessman, who is now 51, throughout his life and career is built to order. His estate amounted to 6.6 billion United States dollars. He lives in Brazil. Core business is the mining of iron ores and zagotovlenii of timber. A well-known businessman in divorce, he has two children.He studied at the University in the city of Aachen, but dropped out of school. He began as a gold mine, and then began to search for iron ores. The man who dropped out of school, now earns billions in the hobby. He has also made investments in exploration for oil and gas. Logistics, energy generation, coal-fired power plant, are all areas in which the famous businessman said his word. He drew many steering workers and promised them positions in the company and equity shares, if the General case will be organized at the level at which he would have liked. 6.6 billion United States dollars in the account for the successful businessman. Batista-son of the famous Brazilian mining, lost gold ore, which was built before the transferred its attention to mine iron ores. He is married to Playboy cover girl. Eyck Batista was to become an engineer, but the son of a Brazilian iron ore industry, decided to try the history of Indiana Jones in the Brazilian jungle. Mr. Batista MMX Mineração e today owner Metálicos S.A.-big ironindustrial konglometra in Brazil, began to pay attention to the diamonds in the vŝe years of study, but the gold he captured their attention only in 1979. "I heard about the gold rush in the Amazonian jungle," he once said, and this is not foreign to me. " In 1980-ies they extracted gold at 70 billion United States. I returned to Rio and forced two Jewelers give me 500.000 to buy gold, and this was the beginning of my career. Not everyone would be able to finish the transaction, but I did, and I'm glad I did, because luck has me to hope for the rest of his life, often says the famous biznessmen. Batista was very attached to her father. Eliezer Batista da Silva was a very respected man in Brazil for its activities in the field of industrial železnorudnoj. By Hélio Batista in Brazil was on 5 more gold ore and silver streak was the largest in Chile.

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